+61 478 265 294
#123, Morathota, Pelmadulla, Sri Lanka
This is a wellness oriented website where people who are suffering from anxiety and other things have options of getting into wellness and maintain things on their own. Modern world see different anxiety and mental stress disorders which are being hectic for one and may lead to further mis management and provoking the thought process. These ventures are the way out for people who could not afford to have a long term solution. This wellness based ide requires a soft and enhanced over view which was our task.
Since this was wellness and good health based idea, we ensured to maintaining the soft and compassionate aspect, and to maintain so an in depth research was required and getting it the perfect overview and we made sure that the aspect of compassion could be maintained and developed with the perfect structures of website and the people seeking help were asked to get their problems sorted out, within their first visits. Idea was compassion and we ensured to provide them with this perfectly.
This service or product was to be used by a wider age group since anyone can be, affected with the problems and are looking for permanent long term solution. Mostly people facing anxiety depression and other similar disorders, we also ensured getting a precise idea about the problems and getting them a permanent long term solution. This is done in order to maintain the aspect of compassion and long term perceptions.
The website was developed with WordPress and the aspect of security was maintained with the use of SSL and getting a perfectly executed theme which was as per the client’s needs. Uof generate press themes and a more enhanced approach of adding the plug ins with js and node features were maintained, the text block which were fully functional were also developed, moreover, the on page part was maintained with using the wp rocked and the use of WordPress generate press with the table features was also done